Gaming projectors

Gaming Projectors

Experience video games on a big screen with this selection of gaming projectors that have been optimised to satisfy gamers' needs.

Featuring low input lag, high refresh rates, dedicated game modes with enhanced contrast and audio, these projectors are the perfect companions to your consoles and gaming computers.

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  1. -28%
    BenQ TH585P 3500L Full HD 1.5 - 1.65:1
    Special Price £444.58 £533.50 Was: £742.12
  2. -25%
    BenQ TH685P 3500L Full HD 1.127 - 1.46:1
    Special Price £533.65 £640.38 Was: £858.94
  3. -11%
    Acer H6815BD 4000L 4K 1.5 - 1.65:1
    Special Price £642.00 £770.40 Was: £866.12
  4. Benq TH671ST 3000L Full HD 0.69 - 0.83:1
    £624.16 £748.99
  5. -14%
    Viewsonic PX701-4K 3200L 4K 1.5 - 1.65:1
    Special Price £673.68 £808.42 Was: £934.80
  6. -17%
    Viewsonic PX749-4K 4000L 4K 1.13 - 1.47:1
    Special Price £838.94 £1,006.73 Was: £1,211.71
  7. Acer Predator GM712 4000L 4K 1.21 - 1.59:1
    £842.00 £1,010.40
  8. -11%
    BenQ TK700STi 3000L 4K 0.9 - 1.08:1
    Special Price £959.80 £1,151.76 Was: £1,299.00
  9. -3%
    BenQ TK700 3200L 4K 1.127 - 1.46:1
    Special Price £974.17 £1,169.00 Was: £1,199.00
  10. -41%
    Viewsonic LS710-4KE 3500L 4K 1.06 - 1.45:1
    Special Price £976.13 £1,171.36 Was: £1,970.00
  11. Viewsonic X1-4K 2900L 4K 1.15 - 1.5:1
    £1,040.83 £1,249.00
  12. -5%
    Viewsonic X2-4K 2900L 4K 0.69 - 0.83:1
    Special Price £1,078.11 £1,293.73 Was: £1,363.52
  13. -7%
    Viewsonic X1-4KE Pro 3300L 4K 1.15 - 1.5:1
    Special Price £1,123.34 £1,348.01 Was: £1,453.90
  14. BenQ TK710 3200L 4K 1.15 - 1.5:1
    Special Price £1,165.00 £1,398.00 Was: £1,402.43
  15. -6%
    BenQ X500i 2200L 4K 0.69 - 0.83:1
    Special Price £1,180.00 £1,416.00 Was: £1,499.00
  16. Viewsonic X2-4KE Pro 3300L 4K 0.69 - 0.83:1
    £1,274.23 £1,529.08
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Items 1-16 of 20

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